Unfortunately, nowadays we are spending more time with phones in our hands than chatting with other people. To tackle this issue of digital society, our Polish brand Tyskie conducted an experiment. It opened an elevator bar in an ordinary housing estate.

Warsaw has many blocks of flats, built as an affordable communal housing during the communist era. But paradoxically, more and more of its inhabitants now struggle to identify a face of their neighbour. Tyskie, our Polis brand by Kompania Piwowarska, tried to put them together again with one of their favourite drinks – beer.

Cheers, my neighbour!

The brand opened a temporary elevator bar in one of the common housing estates in Warsaw. It had everything a good bar should contain – proper lightning, a counter, bartender, refreshing Tyskie on tap and first of all it provided a space where people can chat and get to know each other better. And the outcome was incredible.

It proved that beer is bringing people together and despite different personalities living in one house, people successfully found a common language. In many cases, people became close to their neighbours and started to call each other by their first name, which is an informal way of communication in Polish. That’s the spirit we want to bring to all our consumers at Asahi.

So let’s go for a beer with our neighbours and meet some new faces.

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The grand opening of the new Museum of Tyskie Browary Książęce in Southern Poland took place on 4th October 2024. History is served here in a modern and passionate manner, while its exploration is a fascinating journey through time through four centuries of brewing the ‘Gold of Tychy’.

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Asahi Europe & International cites partnerships and collaboration as key to emissions reductions and sustainability progress ahead of COP27

Ahead of COP27, Asahi Europe & International (AEI) has highlighted how collaboration between business, NGOs, and academia can lead to stronger progress towards carbon neutrality with meaningful results. Aligned with its purpose of creating meaningful connections with people and planet, Asahi Europe & International has focused on bringing industry, government, and climate experts together to progress impactful climate action. AEI’s key collaborative initiatives include membership in the UN-backed Race To Zero campaign and RE100, the global corporate energy initiative led by the international NGO Climate Group and the company is on track to achieve carbon neutrality in its breweries by 2030 and across its wider supply chain by 2050.

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