Recent sustainability progress made by Dutch brewery Grolsch (part of Asahi Europe & International) is putting it on track to reach the goal of becoming a completely carbon-neutral brewery by 2025.

As outlined in the recently-published Grolsch Annual Sustainable and Responsible Business Review 2021Grolsch has reached a number of key sustainability milestones despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Construction has begun on an underground pipeline to provide Grolsch with sustainable heat, helping the brewery reduce CO2 emissions by 72% - around 5,500 tonnes - per year. By 2022, Grolsch will be able to switch most of its energy consumption from fossil to renewable sources. 

In packaging news, Grolsch is replacing its plastic can carriers with cardboard packaging - launching its patented TopClip can packaging for multi-packs. 100% plastic-free, TopClip will replace all can carriers in the Dutch market, saving more than 100,000 kg of new plastic every year - the same as over 4 million new plastic bags.    

On recyclability, Grolsch has said goodbye to cardboard carry trays, switching completely to reusable carry trays made from recycled plastic. By doing so, Grolsch is reducing the amount of waste at festivals and maximizing the use of circular packaging. Grolsch’s share of recycled tin foil has also increased to 74%, while 49% of all pallet foil is now made of recycled plastic. A pilot to replace styrofoam in export containers with cardboard has started with very promising first results.

Other social sustainability highlights include the new Grolsch alcohol-free advertising campaign launched in 2021, bringing attention to its range of 0.0% beers.Grolsch also launched a new flexible working policy to promote a better work-life balance, with home workstations installed at knowledge workers’ houses to improve ergonomics.

Koert van 't Hof, Corporate Affairs Director at Royal Grolsch, said: “At Grolsch we continue to work on our sustainable ambition. The past two years have not been easy because of the pandemic, but we have never let go of our ambition to be a sustainable business. I am therefore incredibly proud of the results we achieved in 2021 and look forward to everything that is on the agenda for this year!”  

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