The grand opening of the new Museum of Tyskie Browary Książęce in Southern Poland took place on 4th October 2024. History is served here in a modern and passionate manner, while its exploration is a fascinating journey through time through four centuries of brewing the ‘Gold of Tychy’.

The exhibition guides visitors through ten episodes selected from the brewery's hundreds of years of activity. Milestones include the beginnings of the brewery in the 17th century, the spectacular growth in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century: expansion and modernisation of the complex, conquest of European markets or facilities for employees, followed by the 300th anniversary celebrated with great pomp, the hard years of the Second World War and the subsequent period of nationalisation, already without the princely crown on the label, which nevertheless resulted in the establishment of the Technical School of Brewing, and finally the return in style with the entry into the new millennium, sealed by the famous advertising campaigns or the so-called ‘beer Oscars’. This was sealed by the famous advertising campaigns and the so-called Beer Oscars for Tyskie. Importantly, much space is devoted not only to the plant and the beer brewed there, but also to the generations of people who lived and worked here.

"We have all the ingredients of a captivating story here: humble beginnings and dynamic growth, difficult moments and great successes, quiet heroes and outstanding personalities, and finally localness juxtaposed with the big world. This is why the history of Tyskie Browary Książęce deserves a modern, unusual setting. We wanted a visit to the Museum to be more than just a viewing experience - an experience that would remain in the memory for a long time. The new museum complements our unique nationwide offer, allowing visitors to experience the full history of Tyskie Browary Książęce, both as part of an exhibition on the history of the site and as part of a modern brewery which is a jewel in Kompania Piwowarska's crown", said Igor Tikhonov, President of the Management Board of Kompania Piwowarska, part of Asahi Europe & International.

The exhibition engages, affects all the senses and allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the story, thanks to multimedia and interactive elements. It impresses both in content and form - for although the narrative goes back almost four centuries and the Museum itself is housed within historic walls, it has the ambition to make the manner of storytelling fit for the 21st century.

"The beer world is round - as evidenced by the bottles, tankards or kegs. This shape symbolises equality and togetherness, while following the designated tour route additionally reproduces the symbol of infinity. This, in turn, is a sign of the durability of Tyskie Browary Książęce, a centuries-old history which, after all, goes on. In order to show this world, we used the original concept of cylinders in which the individual threads of the brewery's history are enclosed", explained exhibition designer Matylda Sałajewska.

One can visit the Museum without a guide, reservation and age restrictions (children and young people under 18 years of age only if accompanied by an adult guardian) for the price of 19 zlotys (normal ticket) or 10 zlotys (reduced ticket). The facility is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 12.00 pm to 8.00 pm.

The full offer of the Visitors Centre of Tyskie Browary Książęce also includes a guided tour of the historic brewery, which can be extended with a visit to the bottling section, where you can observe the work of modern lines for pouring beer into cans and glass bottles. This is an extraordinary opportunity to see with your own eyes a pearl of industrial architecture of the 19th century, and at the same time a working brewery that uses the latest equipment and technology. This offer is for adults only, as is the Tyska Tasting School, a tasting workshop (optionally also available with food pairing) prepared for lovers of sensory experiences. In both cases, reservations apply.

The perfect culmination of your visit is a session at the Pub under the Brewery, where you can taste the unique, freshest beer. Tyskie Gronie from the Brewery - a local speciality - is made just a few metres from the premises and is served directly after brewing; it can also be purchased to take away. Those who like to collect not only impressions, but also souvenirs, will certainly not miss the Tyskie-branded gadgets shop. All these elements combine to create a unique, comprehensive experience of the beer world which will appeal to both birophiles and lovers of history or industrial monuments. This is where tradition and modernity, centuries-old history and its contemporary presentation, the fate of a place, people and a product are intertwined, making Tyskie Browary Książęce a unique point on the map of Polish and European breweries.

Tyskie Browary Książęce is part of the prestigious Szlakiem Zabytków Techniki (Route of Industrial Monuments). More information can be found at

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